Create your own Lucky Bamboo arrangement

Create your own Lucky Bamboo arrangement

Published by BuyLuckyBamboo on 9th Jan 2019

How to Assembly Lucky Bamboo Arrangement
Picture of lucky bamboo arrangement after assembly.

Putting together a Lucky Bamboo arrangement can be a fun activity for kids, adults, or the elders. You will get to customize or make your own arrangements and enjoy your creation for years to come.  Here are the items that you will :

Materials Need

  1. Lucky Bamboo Stalks
  2. Twist Ties or ribbons
  3. Rocks or Gravel
  4. Container (votive, mug, glass cup, etc)
  5. A pair of scissors

Step 1 – Create your Lucky Bamboo arrangement.

The first thing you need to do is to arrange your Lucky Bamboo. In this example, we are using two 6″ straight and one 8″ straight lucky bamboo.


Step 2 – Tie the bamboos together.

After you determine how you want it, secure the bamboo with twist ties or ribbons.You should use a minimum of 2 ties to ensure the lucky bamboo does not come loose. One tie to hold the top of the plants and one to hold the bottom.


Step 3 – Cut off the excess ties.

Cut off excess ties, leaving about 1/2 inch remaining. If you ever have to disassemble the plant, it will make it easier to tie the plant again. If you do not leave any extra ties, it will be difficult to reuse the ties in the future.


Step 4 – Put it all together.

Put the lucky bamboo in the pot. Add rocks to support the plant so that it stand upright. You can either put the bamboos all the way down to the bottom of the pot or you can add a layer of rocks inside the pot before inserting the plant. Add water to the top of pot.

(Note: You should always rinse the rocks first to ensure that the rocks do not contaminate the water and plants).

How to Assembly Lucky Bamboo Arrangement

Now find a spot for you newly created lucky bamboo arrangement. Make sure that the plants are keep out of direct sunlight.  If you want your lucky bamboo to flourish and last a few years, following these tips and instructions.