
Request a Wholesale Account

It’s Time to Differentiate

New England Bonsai Gardens has been supplying garden centers like yours for over 30 years with top quality, beautiful Bonsai & accessories with an eye towards sell-through and end-customer satisfaction.

How NEBG Stands Out Among Bonsai Nurseries

  • Thirty years in business. We are among the oldest dedicated bonsai nurseries in the country.
  • Thousands of partners. IGCs and Event Specialist across America thrive on selling plants from NEBG.
  • The human touch. We don’t automate our greenhouse. Every bonsai is hand-raised.
  • Superior end-consumer deliverables. Our bonsai are packaged and shipped to guarantee maximum survivability, such as using genuine bonsai soil rather than generic potting soil.
  • Huge product range. From the trees themselves to our wide range of hand-picked tools and accessories, we have all the products needed to keep your customers coming back for years.

Wholesale Terms of Service

Low Order Minimums

$500 mixed Goods. ** $200 if only Lucky Bamboo**

100% Satisfaction

30% of the top 100 IGC’s trust NEBG. You will generate higher sales revenue with our products.

Special Orders

No Problem. Let us know what you need. 30% of our orders are custom.


Net 30, for approved customers. All Major Credit Cards for others.

** Download the Wholesale Application Form downloaded here** (return the completed application to

Please fill out the form to request a wholesale account. We will contact you within 48 hours.

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